Hazardous Waste Disposal

With the introduction of Hazardous Waste Disposal Regulations and the Landfill Directive, the management and disposal of hazardous waste have undergone significant transformations over the past 30 years.

At Rural Recycling Ltd, we are dedicated to navigating these complex and constantly evolving regulations on your behalf. We offer cost-effective and compliant solutions for hazardous waste disposal, including industrial, bulk, and chemical waste disposal. Leveraging our extensive expertise, we guarantee that all necessary documentation and licensing are properly managed.

We can manage the following waste streams:

Chemical Waste

Laboratory Clearance / Lab Waste

Engineering Waste

Oil Sludge Removal

Paint Disposal and Solvent Waste

Clinical and Medical Waste Services

Powders, Liquids, and Viscous Wastes

Radioactive Waste

Electrical Waste (WEEE)

Explosives, Fireworks, and Flares